Tuesday, September 22, 2009

rejecting your biggest fan

think i was gonna talk about a boyfriend? best friend? mother?


we forsake, disobey, turn away, hurt, lie to, try to hide things from the only one that can saves us, Jesus Christ.

that makes us look so pathetic. and proves even MORE how unworthy we are of His forgiveness.

why is it that when we sin against Him, we beg for forgiveness, and are so unbelievably sorry and then when we feel that we are forgiven....we just let it happen again?

why is it so hard to stay faithful to the one who is so faithful to us?

so many things go on everyday, things that tempt us, and pull us away from God. when we don't tell our loved ones about Christ, and what he did for them, that's sin. He commands us to do so, but we find ourselves letting these situations slip away so often. why is it that we have a thick concrete wall in front of us when it comes to talking about the Lord? if we aren't in a church environment, or surrounded by other believers, it is so hard to talk about the Gospel.

it may not be for you, but it certainly is a struggle for me, and some others that i know. it isn't because we don't love the Lord, or that we have more important things to do, but i think it is because we are so afraid of the rejection, that we just feel like it would be better not to say anything all. in the bible, it says we are called to preach the Gospel to all nations. now many of us can't afford to fly to africa, or russia to speak to those who haven't heard it. but where does it say that we need to go 10,000 miles away? it doesn't. why don't we just start with our non-believing family members? friends? loved ones?

is it really that hard to share the greatest truth, love, happiness we've ever known?
facing the rejection is even harder. but we don't understand that it isn't us who are being rejected, it's Jesus.
but weren't we all there at some point?
weren't we all rejecting Jesus before?
before you accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, you were rejecting Him.

so when we are constantly being rejected, we have to remember that all things through Christ are possible. all things through prayer are possible. nothing is impossible.

so what CAN we do after talking to them?
first guess, nothing. they rejected it. they don't want it.

ehhhh wrong.

pray. pray. pray. pray for them. that the Lord softens their hearts, that they can come to know Him.

and always, try and try again. the Lord is always standing right next to you, to help you out and guide you.

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9

good verse to live by; great God to honor and obey.

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